DOJ releases SORNA Case Law Summary

[8/20/2022] The Dept. of Justice has released its Sex Offender Registration and Notification in the United States: Case Law Summary report: โ€œ[t]his summary is current through July 2022 and addresses the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), including SORNAโ€™s requirements, and provides information about case law impacting state and federal sex offender registration and notification laws across the country. It is provided as an overview and identifies areas of law that impact sex offender registration and notification and that have been subject to litigation.โ€ The report is broken down into three sections: 1) summarizes the requirements under SORNA, 2) summarizes locally enacted sex offender requirements, 3) summarizes legal challenges.

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Josiah Krammes is Board Chair of Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws where he oversees Education, Public Awareness, and Legal Information/Analysis.

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